Linda Diaz Pia

Linda Diaz Pia


   5971 Lakeside Drive, Salt Lake City, UT, 84121

Glass is lasting and fragile, liquid and hard, dangerous and protective, transparent and opaque, all of which makes it fascinating to many people as it has been to me since I was a child when my father would pick up glass bottles that were pretty and put them on the window sill. Working with glass is unpredictable and exciting. I have been working with fused glass – also called warm glass or hot glass – for about 16 years. I started it as merely a hobby in anticipation of my youngest child going off to college and imagining being depressed and wondering what to do with myself – although at the time I was working full time as a legal secretary. Anyway, my hobby has progressed over the years from giving it away as gifts, to selling it to friends, to a full blown business – I sell my work in galleries and over the internet and have done group and solo shows. My goal as a glass artist is to keep learning, experimenting and exploring the fabulous medium of glass in all its glory of color and infinite combinations to make beautiful functional works of art to be enjoyed every day in the home.