Cori Connors

Cori Connors



   844 Emerald Oaks Court, Farmington, UT, 84025

Cori Connors has performed her songs from such renowned venues such as Nashville’s Bluebird Cafe to The Liverpool Cathedral in England. Her songs have been recorded by Chris LeDoux, Linda Rondstadt and other international artists, earning her platinum selling status as a songwriter. She has won first place honors in numerous international songwriting competitions and teaches songwriting classes for various arts organizations. You can hear her singing her own songs on any of her own CD’s, as well as on a number of compilation CD’s, her newest solo release being Pontiac Rocket, a collection of fond recollections and delightful stories. You can find out more about her on her website Cori is married to state court judge, David Connors, and they are the parents of four children.