Glen Thompson

Glen Thompson


   Huntsville, UT, 84317

Over the years Glen has crafted a wide range of saddles in- cluding ones specifically designed for paraplegic riders and a number  of  saddles  for  national  rodeo  champions,  Shawn Davis  and  Lewis  Fields.  He  also  has  made  several  Queen saddles for Miss Rodeo Utah and Miss Rodeo America pag- eants.
In the early 1980s he crafted a one of a kind saddle featur- ing beehives, Utah’s state symbol. For the last twenty years the Beehive Saddle has been on display in art museums, in- cluding the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian in Washing- ton D.C. Glen has received numerous awards for his work including the prestigious Utah Governors Folk Art Award.
Glen is part of a western crafts tradition that has long been valued by the working ranchers and cowboys of the region and is becoming more and more valued by those who ap- preciate hand crafted art. For a glimpse of this important regional traditional and fine craft, visit Glen in his tool-lined shop. Smell the leather and watch him expertly stamp intri- cate designs into leather. In this Huntsville workshop in the
middle of a beautiful mountain valley, you’ll know you’ve seen a piece of the real West.