Nila Jane Autry

Nila Jane Autry



   70 Middle Circle, Grantsville, UT, 84029

Artist Bio
Nila Jane Autry

"One person can make a difference..." JFK
Jane grew up without a clue that she was born to be an artist. It wasn't until her junior year in high school that she took her first art class, and although greatly intimidated by other students in the class, she did her best and found the process thoroughly enjoyable. Today she finds and makes time to paint, loving every minute of it. Having taught high school and college level art for more than 20 years, and faithfully painting every possible moment, she hopes to successfully market her artwork to the whole wide world.

As you enjoy her work you may experience a feeling of familiarity. The influence studying the masters has had in her art, and in her life is evident. Admittedly, Georgia O’Keeffe’s work has had a literal effect on her style, but many many other master artists and living professional artists, their teachings and their passion inform her work. She is a life long student of the arts.

Her belief is that we can all be great, we can all put our best foot forward and seek inspiration and guidance from our higher power on a daily basis. One does not need to be perfect to be wonderful.
What she wants out of her artistic life is to leave a legacy of faith, determination and courage. She wants her art to be collected and treasured by those who seek beauty, peace and fulfillment from the visual images they surround themselves with.

Her work is highly idealistic, much like the old master