Melissa Kamba

Melissa Kamba


Melissa Tshikampabo Kamba Boggs
Is an Illustrator and fine artist

currently based in Utah
She is originally from Alberta Canada and  enjoys incorporating her love for different cultures and people into her ethereal figurative work, most often touched with gold. She loves to travel to find inspiration from different people, cultures and nature. Her hope is to empowered others by seeing themselves reflected in her work.

My Brand name "Tshikamba" pronounced


"Tshika" derives from my middle name Tshikampabo, which translates to mean "a gift" or "what I was given". It originates from the tribal language Tshiluba, in central Kasai, DRC Congo. It's the name of my aunt whom I've been given her namesake.

Kamba is a name thats been passed down for generations from my father's side and is my maiden/given name. I thought it was fitting to have "Tshika" at the beginning of Tshikamba which also includes the women in my ancestral heritage.

Pronounced: "Chee-Kam-ba"