Kirsten Henriquez

Kirsten Henriquez


   28 autumn station way, Midvale, UT

Kirsten Henriquez (1st Witch/Sergeant/Seyton) completed her bachelor’s in psychology last spring and is currently a senior in the Actors Training Program at the University of Utah. Her most recent credits include Prospera in Shakespeare’s The Tempest (Babcock Theatre SLC) and her debut stage performance as Cassandra in last season’s production of Somewhere: A Primer for the End of Days by Marisela Trevino Orta (Studio 115 SLC).  Kirsten works in commercials and films locally and was part of the American Academy of Dramatic Arts Summer Intensive Class of 2022 in Los Angeles, CA. She is thrilled to be part of this cast and would like to thank her family, professors, and friends for their constant support.