Call for Guest Curators 2021

Call for Guest Curators 2021


 Salt Lake City, UT, 84101

We will be selecting 2 guest curators to fill monthly exhibit slots between August 2021 – January 2022. There is some flexibility as to which month, specifically, we place you in during that window.

The more well-thought-out your proposal is, the better your chances of being selected. Please include a thoughtful description of the exhibit’s theme, a list of artists whom you’ve contacted and who are interested/available, and some examples of those artists’ work.

Guest curators will be paid $250 for their work in organizing the exhibit. If you are selected, we’ll show you a list of items we’ll need from you (such as a list of artist contact info, marketing descriptions for the show, and so on).

The deadline to submit is February 15th, 2021. We’ll notify you of our decision by February 28th, 2021.