Call for Artists

Call for Artists

Posted by Moab Arts and Recreation Center

Posted: Mar, 14, 2016

Call for Artists


 Moab, UT, 84532

The Moab Arts and Recreation Center (MARC), in partnership with the City of Moab Sustainability Department, invites submissions inspired by Moab's night sky.

Our solar system, the Milky Way, and the cosmos beyond have inspired humans for millennia. Dark skies are critical to functioning ecological rhythms, including human sleep patterns, bird migration, and nocturnal animal behavior. Working to keep our skies dark and the stars bright is about more efficient and effective lighting. The City of Moab is in the final stages of becoming an International Dark Skies Community, and we want to recognize the importance of our incredible dark skies through art.

The cosmos does not discriminate. All mediums are welcome and people of all kinds are encouraged to participate. Max three pieces per person, ready to hang.

Show your Ode to the Stars at the MARC starting with the April Art Walk (04/09) through International Dark Skies Week, 04/30!

Deadline for submissions:
Midnight, MST 03/14/22

Email submissions to: