Apr 22 2022
Bitcoin Summit - Utah Valley University

Bitcoin Summit - Utah Valley University

Presented by Utah Valley University at Utah Valley University Grand Ballroom

Bitcoin & Tech Business Summit: FRIDAY, April 22, 2022

UVU Bitcoin Summit is connecting you and your business to bitcoin and the blockchain economy. Come study the history of the blockchain ledger system, how it works, why we need it now, and what you need to do to prepare for the mass adoption.

Bitcoin is Life

Bitcoin is Time

Bitcoin is Force

Bitcoin is Asset

Bitcoin is Energy

Bitcoin is Currency

Bitcoin is Borderless

Bitcoin is Technology

Bitcoin is Self-Governing

Bitcoin is Owned by Everyone Who Owns Bitcoin

This conference will prepare you to merge onto the digital highway that's moving at the speed of light.


Tron Black, Ravencoin Foundation

Bitcoin Ben: Calix Solutions

Rob Robson: Financial LIFE Coach and Motivational Speaker

Mike Waters: Real Estate Mogul, Inventor of the Tokenized Equity Economy

Charlene Brown, UVU Adjunct Professor of Blockchain: Moderator

You will remember all of this with a copy of TOKENS Magazine, a curation of all things crypto and brain-busting technologies, broken down in bite-sized nuggets you can read and re-read again and again.

The Summit is hosted by: Utah Valley University, South Valley Chamber, The Point of the Mountain Chamber, The American Fork Chamber, The Blockchain Freedom Foundation, Tokens Magazine.

Admission Info

Order tickets online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uvu-bitcoin-tech-summit-fri-april-22-registration-268216592047

Early Bird = $29

Regular Attendee = $49

Students = $9

Seniors = $19

Phone: 801-299-9105

Email: utahearthdayexpo@gmail.com

Dates & Times

2022/04/22 - 2022/04/22

Location Info

Utah Valley University Grand Ballroom

800 West University Parkway, Orem, UT 84058