Bhutanese Community in Utah

Bhutanese Community in Utah


 2666 S 300 E, Salt Lake City, UT 84115

Bhutanese Community in Utah (BCU) was established as a Nonprofit Charitable Organization with 501(c)(3) Status and its office located at 2666 South 300 East, Salt Lake City, UT 84115. BCU is formed for the Bhutanese, by the Bhutanese and of the Bhutanese. Its current population is 1,250. It is formed to help its illiterate families, help youth prepare for their future career, attend self-reliance, integrate into mainstream and preserve traditional culture and custom, through capacity building. Its Board of Directors is directly elected after every two years by the community members above 18 years. It is headed by its Board Chairperson. The Board nominates Executive Officers (President as CEO, Secretary, Treasurer, Grant Project Coordinator, Cultural Coordinator, Youth Coordinator and Women/Children Coordinator).