

Outdoor Sculpture

Email: jenny.diersen@parkcity.org

Website: http://parkcity.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapTour/index.html?appid=e5975327cc01456887e4742fb5c5cad6

 405 Main Street, Park City, UT, 84060

This sculpture is dedicated to the remarkable accomplishments of those men who mined with great effort and ingenuity the silver and lead ore found in these mountains, men who simultaneously established the community of Park City which is now our legacy to preserve and enjoy. The mining engineer is examining a piece of rock which was cored from the earth by a diamond drill, capable of extracting ore from over 1,000 feet away. Miners were always hopeful that another bonanza was about to be discovered.

Medium type: Bronze

Date created: 1999

Location Info

405 Main Street

405 Main Street, Park City, UT, 84060