Promenading Primary...

Promenading Primary...




 2001 South State Street, Salt Lake City, UT, 84190

Nate Ronniger was born in Salt Lake City, Utah in 1977. He attended the University of Utah where he majored in painting, earning a BFA in 2000. Following college, Nate worked as a graphic designer and illustrator and began painting the western landscape. Eventually, Ronniger focused entirely on fine art landscapes while living alternately in California and Hawaii. With an eye and interest to a modern approach to still life painting, he left traditional landscapes behind and now paints scenes entirely from his imagination. Ronniger currently lives in Salt Lake City.

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Medium type: Acrylic

Date created: Not dated

Location Info

2001 South State Street

2001 South State Street, Salt Lake City, UT, 84190