Symphony of Movement

Symphony of Movement

Outdoor Sculpture - Sculpture



 600 Gillmor Way, Park City, UT, 84060

Symphony of Movement is something of an optical illusion: it is intended to appear kinetic without actually moving. “The viewer’s own movement—and their interaction with the piece—are what animates it.” “The piece remains stationary, but as the viewer moves toward and around it, it seems to move of its own accord: by having the viewer as an active force in the experience, the viewer becomes part of the artwork.” “The casual observer will notice that some of the pipes lean forward to reflect the ground, while others lean back to reflect the sky, bringing lines of light to the ground. As the viewer circles the piece, the rods reverse in direction. The observer, the ground, and the sky all engage in a dialogue curated by the piece at the center.”

Medium type: Aluminum

Date created: 2015

Dimensions: 15' x 50' x 12'

Location Info

600 Gillmor Way

600 Gillmor Way, Park City, UT, 84060