Waves, Planes and Parallels

Waves, Planes and Parallels

Architectural Detailing - Outdoor Sculpture

Email: jenny.diersen@parkcity.org

Website: http://parkcity.maps.arcgis.com/apps/MapTour/index.html?appid=e5975327cc01456887e4742fb5c5cad6

 1255 Park Avenue, Park City, UT, 84060

Bus shelter decoration reflecting activities of skiing and skateboarding. The rugged and spectacular Western landscape is interpreted with a unique vision in this sculpture titled “Waves, Planes and Parallels.” Utah’s mountains, canyons and rivers with their exposed layers of ancient rock, as well as the layers of previous civilizations and cultures, reveal the relationship between the old, the new and the infinite.

Medium type: Bronze

Date created: 2006

Location Info

1255 Park Avenue

1255 Park Avenue, Park City, UT, 84060