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Now Playing Utah is a charitable service that showcases transformative cultural experiences across Utah. Support is provided by:

At Risen Life Church, the goal is to experience genuine transformation in all areas of life. They call this Real Life Transformation. It is believed that they were all made for the glory of God. We further believe we reflect that glory as they are restored to a right relationship with God through the finished work of Christ on the cross, which is the beginning of the journey toward becoming more like Jesus.

Strategy: Connect, Grow, Serve, Reach

Connect ? They believe it is critical for believers to connect with one another in authentic, caring relationships for encouragement and strengthening as we journey together toward becoming more like Jesus.

Grow ? They believe sound biblical teaching, in the context of authentic relationships, is the primary means by which we grow to become more like Jesus. For that reason, a strong emphasis is placed on the teaching of the Bible as God’s Word concerning the needs of humanity.

Serve ? They believe all Christians should serve one another, and the community in which they live, in love. We therefore endeavor to provide Christians with a place to practically express their spiritual gifts in serving one another and the community around us.

Reach ? We believe God places His people throughout society for the purpose of making the gospel available to the entire community and He calls each one of us to take an active role in loving and reaching the lost. It is our goal to equip and encourage God’s people to reach out to the lost aro ... view more »

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