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The Bike Stops Here: Torsion

Seeing the rapid growth of bicycling in Salt Lake City and the desire to encourage more people to choose cycling as a transportation option, there is an essential need and desire for safe and secure bicycle parking. To that end, and in the ongoing effort to weave art into the fabric of our urban infrastructure, the Salt Lake Art Design Board requested proposals from Utah artists to design and fabricate bicycle racks that are identifiable, functional, and imaginative. The bicycle racks are installed at 8 downtown locations along the 300 South Cycle Track from 200 West to 600 East.

View more from the Salt Lake City Arts Council Collection here.

Medium type: Metal

Date created: Unknown

Dimensions: N/A

Associated artists

Ethan Barley
Ethan Barley


526 East Broadway, Salt Lake City, UT, 84102

Contact information

